The MWIA Community Progressive Dinner is being held on Sunday, October 20, from 4:30 – 8:30 PM. Please read on for RSVP and further information.
What is a Progressive Dinner? Nothing political! It is an event during which guests "progress" from house-to-house for three dinner courses -- appetizers, dinner and dessert. The event will ideally take place in each of our community's seven areas.
In addition to those interested in attending, we are seeking neighbors who are willing to open their homes to host 8-10 guests – or more – depending on your space. Each area will need a minimum of two volunteer host homes, depending on the number of that area's participants. One home will host an appetizer course and the other will host the main course. We hope to identify a location where all attendees will be able to gather for the final dessert course.
The host homes will provide the gathering spot; attending guests will contribute dishes to share (think potluck). MWIA representatives will work with host homes to set up a group communication in order to coordinate the potluck contributions with their guests. We will supply hosts with all serving ware, cups, utensils, etc.
This is a “grown-up/over 21" event - sorry, no children.
- Name(s) of Attendee(s)
- Area in which you reside (if you are uncertain as to which area you belong, you can find the area map at
- If you are interested in hosting and, if so, number you can accommodate (minimum of eight, please!)
Please RSVP no later than Wednesday, September 25! If, for some reason, the RSVP link doesn't work for you please reply to me off listserv with your information.